What Is Masscan Tool And How To Use It?
June 9, 2023 Off By DasMasscan is short for “massive scan,” an open-source network scanner tool, similar to Nmap. Notably, the tool can send up to 10 million packets per second, making it significantly faster than many other network scanners like Nmap.
To perform a network scan, you need to specify the IP range and the relevant ports to scan. Then, it will perform a relatively fast TCP SYN scan; however, you can configure it for other types of scans as well.
Furthermore, it works for multiple operating systems like Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Masscan Scan Example
You can see masscan perform TCP SYN scan on 256 hosts in the specified range and just one port is checked per host. The scan found one host with open port – host
Besides specifying a single port or IP address, there is also the option to specify multiple ports or IP ranges:
Specify IP:
- specific IP (ex:
- range (ex: or
- multiple IP separated by comma or space (ex:,
- exclude IP (ex: –exclude
Specify Port:
- Specific port (ex: -p 80)
- Range of ports (ex: -p 10-20)
- Multiple ports (-p80, 10-20)
- Udp ports (ex: -p U:161,U:1024-1100)
Output Format:

Rate limit:

Masscan is a powerful and efficient tool for network scanning, capable of performing large-scale scans at high speed. It is ideal for tasks requiring rapid discovery of open ports and services across vast network ranges. However, due to its aggressive nature, it’s essential to use it responsibly and with proper authorization to avoid unintended network disruptions or legal issues.